Monday, January 24, 2011


The weekend rolls around and it's time to finally put some effort into what we look like. Most of the time we put on make up, and it becomes routine. Each person has a certain brand of make up they use, a technique in how they put it on and a designated amount that they wear. But what if those plants, animals and other natural resources used to help produce the make up we wear run out? I know, personally, that I don't think about that when I put on my foundation on. It seems that there are numerous places in the mall that you can purchase make up and the supply seems endless. What if that's not the case? This blog will focus on different brands of make up and the natural resources that are key ingredients used to make our favorite foundation, eye shadow, etc. It will not be focused on animal testing, that is a whole other subject.

Are the brands of make up you're wearing really worth the damage they could be doing to the environment?


  1. I've never really thought about make-up being harmful for the environment in ways other than animal testing, that's interesting! A lot of make-up brands claim to be made from minerals, do you think that is true, and if so, is using minerals harmful?

  2. This is a really interesting topic, and I never really thought about it. I know I have my Bare Minerals, my Almay,and the way I put it on to cover my not-so-perfect skin. How does that effect the environment though?

  3. Helen, I know that the make up brand I use claims to be made completely from minerals. I chose to do my first entry on that brand, Bare Minerals, and after doing the research on it I found that the minerals and ingredients they use have not been harmful to the environemnt. Although, I do not know if that is the case for other mineral based make up brands.
    Shannon, make up has to come from somewhere right? It wasn't just created in a lab somewhere. The ingredients they use to make the make up we use could be taking leaves, plants, etc out of an environment. So with our high demand of make up we could slowly be destroying an ecosystem. I'm not sure if that is even occuring right now but that is why I chose to do research on this topic and find out where out make up comes from and if it's good for the environment. Does that answer your questions?
