Monday, February 7, 2011

Cover Girl

Countless celebrities have been spokeswomen for the brand Cover Girl. The list goes from Queen Latifa to Taylor Swift with many more in between. What exactly is in this famous line of make up that makes all the celebrities want to endorse it?

Here is the link of the Cover Girl website: 

Cover Girl is one of the largest United States make up brands to conduct animal testing. The owner of the company, Procter & Gamble just recently started a program called "Clean Make up for Clean Water". This program sends money and water to developing areas when money is spent on their make up line. It sounds like Cover Girl is going what the can for the environment and economy by helping out.

Finding out what exactly was in the foundation for Cover Girl was difficult but Butane, commonly found in nuts from Shea trees in Africa is used. Hydroxyethyl-cellulose is also another ingredient and can be found in wood pulp. Those are the two ingredients found with information about where they come from. This doesn't tell us exactly whether or not Cover Girl is good for the environment or not, but with extra work and effort it foundations they sound like a well rounded company.


  1. Do you think it is healthier to not wear makeup every day, or not?

  2. Personally, I think that it just depends on what the make up has in it and how much of the make up someone wears. I know that it's best not to wear make up when you don't have to because it's good for your skin to breathe. As for the environment, Cover Girl and bareMinerals don't seem to be impacting the environment in a bad way.

  3. This is kind of going off of what Sydney asked, but do you think that certain ingredients in make-up can be bad for skin?

  4. Yeah, I definitely think so. Why else would people have allergic reations and make up be re-called? I would say that some ingredients in make up could be harsh on skin.
